Art Cut


This website was created by Francesca Borriello, Lorenza Pierucci and Laura Travaglini as part of their final project for the Digital Pubishing and Electronic Storytelling course at the University of Bologna (academic year 2021/2022).

The project aims at analysing arts-related topics through the lenses of data. Starting from the datasets made publicly available by the Museum of Modern Art of New York (MoMA) and by the Tate galleries, Art cut analyses artworks acquisitions throughout the years with the aim of understanding which criteria brought together the museums' collections in a historical and social perspective.

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Francesca Borriello
Master's Degree student of DHDK at the University of Bologna. Graduated in Humanities.
data collection
data cleaning
data manipulation
data analysis
Lorenza Pierucci
Master's Degree student of DHDK at the University of Bologna. Graduated in Cultural Heritage.
data collection
data cleaning
data analysis
data visualization
Laura Travaglini
Master's Degree student of DHDK at the University of Bologna. Graduated in Humanities.
data collection
web development